The Brotherhood-Iran association is more of a political nature rather than a religious consolidation.  Both sides abhor the idea of Western influence amplified by its regional agents such as Israel and the Gulf monarchies. Despite sanctions and mass repression, the Muslim Brotherhood is still the most popular Islamic organization in the Middle East. Therefore, the politically driven alliance between these two actors could be a source of concern for regional stability and therefore a game-changer. If their commitment is strong, there is little chance that the Saudi-led bloc will be able to preserve the current fragile peace in the region and prevent another large-scale regional conflict.

UPDATE:  Mohamed Morsi, Egypt’s first democratically elected president, died while on trial in a courtroom in Cairo on Monday, June 17, 2019. The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood has been driven underground by the al-Sisi’s regime since Mr. Morsi’s removal from office.  His death is not likely to have any impact on the organization’s direction.

Published by Inside Arabia